As you’ll already know, BiraBiro is Europe’s first coffee brand to use an all-African blend. We’d love to share the provenance of our beans with you, in the hopes of connecting customers with the rich heritage and stories behind every cup of our delicious coffee.

Our Ethiopian coffee is a Grade 1 natural, single-farmer microlot produced by Kefalech Tariku, a producer from Chelchelie in the Gedeb district. A mother of five, Kefalech farms 1.4ha of land at an altitude of 2080masl and cultivates the heirloom subvarieties of kumie, diga, and wilsho.
Our Kenyan coffee comes from the Kamoini Wetmill, part of Othaya Farmers’ Cooperative Society Ltd, based in the heartland of Kukuyu territory, Nyeri. The mill processes an average of 270,000kg of coffee cherries per year, sourced from 719 farmers. The total farmed area is 310.9 acres with individual trees yielding between 5 and 10kg of cherries per season. Kamoini Wetmill is one of the few washing stations that have formed a co-op group in the region.
Our Ugandan coffee comes from a direct trade agreement with our farmers Nimrod and Jenipher. They are the chair and vice-chair of the Mount Elgon Agroforestry Communities Co-Operative Enterprise (MEACCE), made of over 3000 coffee farmers. These farmers are also a crucial part of the Mbale Tree Planting Programme, supported by the Welsh government, which hopes to plant 25million trees by 2025, covering an area the size of Wales.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Our Congolese coffee comes from Mr. Olive Mudekereza, a Congolese farmer and entrepreneur who is one of the largest single producers of robust and arabica coffee in the South Kivu region.